Learner Mama | Because Mother Nature didn’t leave a manual

Three kids, one bath and one giant poo!

So we bath our three kids together. They are 6, 3 and 1 so small enough to fit and young enough not to care.  It saves mammy and daddy time too and is good for the environment. Win win win!

So tonight was bath night. As usual we ran the bath, striped them all down and threw them in the bath.

The screeching I heard from my watch post was not the usual messing in the bath they usual enjoy.

Oldest daughter: MAMMY!!!!  Z is doing a poo!!!!!!! 

Son: Jumps out of bath and runs on to landing

Mammy: Grabs toilet paper (!!??!!!) and grabs said poo out of bath, toilet roll disintegrates and toilet roll falls into bath….disaster…..

With toilet paper floating in the bath the three of them are bathed (oldest daughter taking shower attachment to ensure there are no remnants of toilet paper attached) and all survive to make it into pyjamas and to sleep….phew!

Cue glass of wine 🙂

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