Learner Mama | Because Mother Nature didn’t leave a manual

The picnic amateur: What’s in your picnic basket? [Linky]

Dairy Free Kids is running a linky to find out what’s in everyone’s picnic basket. I am not a picnic-er by nature. That is not to say we don’t go on days out in the great outdoors and not eat. We do. But I wouldn’t usually call it a picnic. Probably because my own notion of a true picnic involves check blankets, wicker baskets, plastic plates, cutlery and delicious fancy food.

Our picnics (if we are, for the purposes of this post, to call them that) tend to be a few items of food thrown into whatever bag I am bringing – either a very large handbag or the old changing bag which, now that it has finished service as a changing bag, is great for carrying stuff we want to bring out and about without cluttering up my handbag.



I am what you might call a picnic amateur.  Nonetheless, I thought I would join in the linky anyway and share the truth about our alfresco eating habits.

We live near the beach and beach trips would be a regular occurrence during any spell of good weather. We are also members of Tayto Park in Ashbourne Co. Meath and while we are real fans of the burgers there, more often than not we pack some food rather than spend loads of money to eat.

What is in my “picnic basket” depends on the time of day.

A morning excursion would just require a snack – so we tend to go with fruit (with my 2 year old still preferring pureed fruit such as Cow and Gate to regular fruit), yogurt, crackers, Liga, Babybel cheese or Cheese strings. TUC Sour Cream and Onion crackers are our current indulgence. They are to die for. So addictive and can be eaten straight out of the packet. A large bottle of juice or water would be thrown in too for those “I’m thirsty Mammy” moments.

If we are going during lunch time, or for a longer excursion, we tend to air on the side of boredom and pack plain old sandwiches. While ham or cheese is the norm, if it’s a special day out we tend to give the kids chocolate spread sandwiches as a treat.

On the topic of treats we usually throw in a few treats too – some mini packs of Haribo jellies or some fun size chocolate bars. Handy for bribery during our excursion.

The one thing we are bad at is bringing hot drinks for Mammy and Daddy. I probably need to invest in a good Thermos flask before we could do that. For te moment we tend to search desperately for an outlet selling takeaway coffee wherever we go.

We have a long way to go before I could call myself a picnic-er but it’s always fun to get out and about and not worry about getting home for meals because you have it all packed up with you.

Now, if you want to see some real picnic baskets then why not check out all the other (better) picnic baskets over at Dairy Free Kids’ linky.




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