A Guide to C-Sections

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As a c-section mum I have had a few people both in real life and online ask me questions about what to expect.  People who have suddenly been told that they are going to be heading to theatre and trying to get some sort of insight into what will happen, how it will feel, how will recovery go and loads of other questions that spring to mind when the c-section word is put out there.

So, at last I have virtually put pen to paper and prepared a guide about c-sections.  The usual disclaimer applies.  I am not a medical professional and I am writing this from someone who has been through three c-sections all for different reasons.


Ready for baby to be born!

It is not an ultimate guide – I am sure there are things that I will have forgotten (blocked out!) so if there are any questions / queries or additions you think the guide could benefit from please comment below or contact me and I will update the guide on an ongoing basis.

Learner Mama’s Guide to C-Sections



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