New Facebook Group for Irish C-Section mums

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You might have guessed by reading this blog that I am a C-section mum. While it has taken a while I am at peace with my births and proud to say I am one.  So much so I have written a bit about it and yesterday had a piece published in the Irish Independent which featured the three beautiful products of my sections.


Skin to skin contact after c-section

At the bottom of the article it mentions I have set up a group for Irish C-Section mums.  So if you are here looking for information or support on C-sections please do come by and check out the group.

It is a closed group which means you have to be a member to see the posts but this is to allow a secure and private space for people who may be finding it hard to deal with or may want to ask some more intimate or gory questions and not have them plastered all over everyone’s timelines (except the other members of course but we don’t mind that!).  Who is better to ask about c-sections than those who have gone through it!

While it is a group of Irish or Ireland based mammies we don’t discriminate and all are welcome – only stipulation is that you have had or are due to have a c-section. That is it!

Hopefully see you there!



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