The A-Z of me!

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My lovely blogger friend Sinead from Bumbles of Rice tagged me in a post the other night. It was an A-Z all about her, and I was challenged to do the same.

It’s not easy to think about things about yourself.  And 26 of them. Anyway, I am a good sport so happily take up the challenge to think of them.  But before I do, I would like to tag Sadhbh from Where Wishes Come From and Naomi from Science Wows to do the same.

The A-Z of me

Ok, deep breaths:

A is for apple.  Every kids’ book will tell you that! We go through enough of them in my house as it’s one of only a handful of fruit my kids eat.

B has to be for blogging.  It has become a huge part of my life over the past two years and I have met some lovely people both online and in real life as a result of it.

C is for my lovely sister Ciara.  Having a sister is something so very special. We can go through weeks without talking at times (just from busy lives) but I always know she is there.

D is for my adopted home town, Donabate.  I moved here 12 years ago and am very settled.  It’s also so close to my home town I feel I am at home in half of North County Dublin.

E is for my first-born Emily.  She made me a mother.  She made me a better person.  I love her infinitely.

F is for fear.  I can be quite an anxious person and my biggest fears are death and flying. Actually I don’t fear flying, I fear crashing (and therefore being dead).

Image courtesy of AngelFrame / Freedigitalphotos.netImage courtesy of AngelFrame /

G is for goodies.  Too many of them consumed in my house but hey, life is short.

H is for holidays.  I love holidays.  I love preparing for them and I love being on them. This year for the third year in a row I am lucky enough to be going to Tenerife again.  Can’t wait!

I is for in-laws.  I married into a lovely family and have managed to get myself a nice set.

J is for jam.  I hate it.  Enough said.

K is for karma.  I have a big belief in what goes around comes around and things happening for a reason.

L is for Lucy.  Me. My name.  Also for my blog’s name Learner Mama.


M I’m torn with M.  M seems to play a big part in my life. My Mother, my brother Michael (and his wife Marianne and son Mikey), my home town Malahide and of course my own little man, my best boy Matthew.

N has to be for my dear husband Niall.  Married over 10 years, together 18 years and met over 20 years.  A constant source of love and support as well as an awesome father.

O is for organisation.  I love everything organisation related.  YouTube videos about organisation, every organisation  product and making lists.  My down fall seems to be actually executing my well laid organisation plans.

P is for the one negative in my life, Psoriasis.  I have suffered from this awful skin disease since my early twenties.  I work hard on my skin just to keep it looking vaguely normal.  I long to be able to use all those beautiful designer (highly perfumed and very bad for my skin) lotions but I guess there are worse things in life.  I grin and bear it.  Even if at times it gets me down.

Q has to be for queue.  I always pick the wrong one.  It’s an ongoing joke in our house. Even if I join the shortest one it will take the longest. FACT.

R is for reflexology.  A foot rub is one of my favourite things.

S is for singing.  I can’t.  Period.

T is for tea.  I don’t drink it.  I know.  Everyone loves a cup of tea but not me.  I’ll stick to my coffee.

U is for underwear. One of my to-dos is to clear out my current stash and buy new fresh, well-fitting underwear.  You needed to know that I’m sure.

V is for Vodka.  I love a vodka and coke (although in the interests of calorie counts more recently I mix it with Diet 7up).

W is for wine.  I love a cold glass of white wine on a summer’s day (or any day for that matter).

rp_ID-10014648-199x300.jpgImage courtesy of Carlos Porto /

X is for X-ray, because I can’t think of any other word with X and I went through a phase in my life where I was always being X-rayed.  I have broken my wrist, my finger and my ankle and been x-rayed a couple of other times for various ailments.  Thankfully it has been a while!

Y is for yogurt.  Since becoming a mother I have bought and fed my kids so many yogurts.

Z for many may be a hard letter to deal with but for me it’s easy.  My baby girl Zoe. Already three but acts like a teenager.  Beautiful, crazy and fantastic in every way.  Also, I spent three very happy years as a young child in Zimbabwe.  Very special memories of my time there.


  1. Pingback: Irish Parenting Bloggers | The A-Z of me!

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