Night out + Hangovers + Children = Painful day after

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In my pre children days if I had a night out and had a few drinks I didn’t need to worry about the next day – I could fall into bed at whatever hour I managed to crawl into bed and stay there until I felt well enough and rested enough to get up – usually near lunch time!

Once kids arrived on the scene the concept of nights out changed forever (along with many other things but that’s for another post).  For the actual night out there is babysitting to worry about and once you out worrying  are the kids okay.

Of course once you can get over all that it is great to have a couple of hours away from them – and I am sure the same applies to the kids!

Mein Wein / My Wine
rpeschetz / / CC BY-NC

The worst part of having kids and nights out is of course the next morning.  As someone who enjoys a few glasses of wine or a couple of vodkas and coke the evenings enjoyment is often quickly regretted in the morning when three duracell bunnies bounce into the bed at 7am – or indeed ironically on nights when I have been out they seem to select those mornings as their early wake up days! OUCH! It can be quite the painful experience if either it was a late night or there were one to many drinks – throw both in the mix and it is like the day after will never end.

I was out last night.  I am, as I have posted before, taking a career break and that day is looming ever so close.  So close that I had my last management meeting in work yesterday and the team brought me out for a late lunch and a few drinks.

Our aupair is also finishing with us at the same time so we took the opportunity to ask her to do a final babysitting and my husband joined us after work.

It was a good night.  Small group but lots of laughs and more significantly lots of drinks!  We eventually got a taxi home and arrived back at about 11.20pm – not too late but given I was drinking from about 4pm lets just say the effects had fully taken hold.


Roll on 6am this morning and a bouncing 4 year old jumping on the bed – please no!!! Why do I have to kick him out of bed some weekdays and along comes a Saturday with a hangover and he bounces out of bed earlier than ever!

Thankfully my darling husband, who had a little less to drink than me due to the later start took the kids downstairs for breakfast and left me in bed for an extra few zzzz’s.

I have managed through the day – feeling a little tired and not really able to do anything significant with the kids – days like today is what TV/DVD’s/DS’s and iPads were made for!!!

Tomorrow is Father’s day so I think a sleep in pay back for Daddy and some nice acitivity for the kids.

Our au pair is also doing some traditional Spanish food for us and our parents as a thank you / goodbye – am sure there will be a few glasses of wine then too!!!

Roll on Monday morning!


Early One Morning
amirjina / / CC BY-NC-ND

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  1. Pingback: Goodbye 2013, Hello 2014 Learner Mama

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