A new year, a question of death and overtiredness!

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So we made it succesfully into 2013 – and I hope it is a good one.  We had a relaxed and chilled out day.  I did some de-cluttering, DH took the kids out for a bike ride.  My parents visited and all was rosy in the garden until dinner was served.

DH is a popular man.  I don’t know what I do wrong but he is a magnet to the kids.  They all want him to do everything.  Tonight at dinner my 3 year old decided he would sit beside daddy.  My 6 year old was watching a DVD and came to the table a couple of minutes later and threw a complete meltdown that she couldn’t sit next to daddy.  Her dinner was laid out in the place beside me and I was subjected to a tirade of abuse “I don’t want to sit beside you!” I want Daddy!” “I don’t like you mammy!”  Eventually things calmed and dinner was eaten. I suspect overtiredness – the silly season gets to us all at some point.

Come bedtime all was calm until she went to bed – she started screaming crying – when asked what was wrong she screamed “I don’t want to die!” Well, where do you begin?

I managed to explain the basics of death but at the same time convince her that worrying about death this evening should not be on her list of priorities and that hopefully she would not need to worry about it for a very long time and that it was okay not to want to die……we got there in the end but not after a number of questions about God and heaven.

I hope I handled it okay – she is fast asleep now (I won’t hold my breath for a 3am visit to our bed or a call out in the middle of the night) but it has me realising how she is growing up and now becoming more aware of the whole concept of life and death.  She has experienced death.  When she was born she had 3 Great grandmothers – she now has 1 left.  But, with hindsight the last few days she has asked a few questions about sickness and how long people live etc.  Throw in the overtiredness and bam! Receipe for total freakout.

Hope the rest of 2013 is more straightforward – but I suspect not! 🙂



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